


Vice President, Translational Medicine, 肿瘤学 R&D、澳门葡京网赌游戏

豪尔赫年代. Reis-Filho

Vice President, Cancer Biomarker Development, 肿瘤学 R&D、澳门葡京网赌游戏


转化科学是将研究发现转化为临床可操作见解的过程, while leveraging clinical data for further discovery to benefit patients. 在澳门葡京网赌游戏, translational science plays a pivotal role in developing 精密医学s, acting as the link between early scientific breakthroughs, 它们在临床决策中的应用和下一代诊断技术的发展. This rapidly developing field is expanding our knowledge of tumour biology, 最先进的生物标志物, 并为创新临床试验的设计提供信息,这些试验有可能改变患者的治疗结果.

Addressing differences in patient responses to cancer medicines

患者对药物的不同反应使得开发适用于所有人的新疗法具有挑战性. 尽管有相同的癌症诊断, each patient has a unique molecular profile that influences their response to therapy. 这些差异, arising from variations in their genetic make-up, 肿瘤突变状态, 目标表达式, 表观基因组学等等, are complex and have shifted the focus of research and development toward 精密医学.

增进澳门葡京赌博游戏的了解, 转化科学在解码哪些患者可能对治疗有反应方面起着关键作用, 是什么因素促成了他们的反应, and what we can learn about the drug mechanism of action in the process. 一种方法是观察患者对治疗的反应,并寻求新的机制见解. 例如, 在治疗期间消除恶性细胞是恢复的重要时刻,但也提供了有价值的见解,了解其独特的分子特征如何对治疗作出反应.

However, accurately assessing and predicting this is challenging. Traditional methods rely on post-surgery microscopic examination of tumour tissue, a process prone to overlooking residual cancer cells. 改善评估和塑造精准医学前景的未来依赖于转化科学和创新的临床试验设计.

What is the role of translational science in research and development?

Translational science has a critical role in accelerating clinical decision making, providing insight to mechanisms of response and resistance, and advancing our understanding of how to target early disease. By developing more accurate predictors of treatment response, we unlock clinical innovation and inform the next wave of therapies.

莫里吉奥Scaltriti Vice President, Translational Medicine, 肿瘤学 R&D、澳门葡京网赌游戏

澳门葡京网赌游戏, we are accelerating innovation by bridging the gap between early discovery, biomarker identification and clinical practice, 通知…的发展 下一代诊断 which have the potential to improve patient outcomes.

Through close collaboration with our Cancer Biomarker Development team, we are identifying novel predictors of treatment response, with the aim to select and treat patients earlier, 尽量减少治疗带来的不良影响, and help design innovative clinical trials based on rigorous science.


As we delve deeper into the complexities of tumour biology, 尖端技术产生的大量数据使澳门葡京赌博游戏能够以前所未有的精度询问肿瘤. 这种更细致的理解正在推动下一代诊断技术的发展,并改变临床决策.

Revolutionising target quantification with AI

在这一转变的前沿是 计算病理学, 利用人工智能(AI)的力量来精确分析肿瘤, accuracy and reproducibility that was previously unimaginable. One such method, developed by our teams, is Quantitative Continuous Scoring (QCS).

QCS looks for the presence or absence of a biomarker, quantifies its location in sub-cellular compartments, 比如膜, 细胞质和细胞核, 并在组织的更广泛的空间组织的背景下分析生物标志物. 对于理解靶向治疗的作用机制,如 抗体药物配合, and for identifying patients who are most likely to benefit from treatment. We are in the process of embedding QCS into our portfolio, 目标是获得监管部门的批准,成为一流的一套计算病理学人工智能驱动的预测性生物标志物.


We are also spearheading the development of multimodal biomarkers through deep multiomic分析, integrating molecular, genetic and imaging data. 这些综合生物标志物旨在通过在分子水平上利用疾病的多个元素来简化和简化临床决策.

生物标志物是分子标记, 是什么指引着科学家和临床医生了解错综复杂的癌症图景, 揭示隐藏的路径,并为其依赖关系和漏洞提供关键线索. 这些标记对于将澳门葡京赌博游戏对肿瘤生物学的理解转化为对患者的益处至关重要. We depend on them to identify the right target, the right treatment for the right patient at the best stage of their therapeutic journey

豪尔赫 Reis-Filho Vice President, Cancer Biomarker Development, 肿瘤学 R&D、澳门葡京网赌游戏

与传统的生物标志物不同, which typically assess only a single variable, 多模式生物标志物提供了一个 疾病全景图, enabling an integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment. 这使澳门葡京赌博游戏能够更好地定义针对每个患者独特肿瘤特征的治疗策略. 这些方法是澳门葡京赌博游戏试验的核心, and a critical way in which we follow the science to inform clinical decision-making.

We can also track tumour dynamics through blood based ctDNA剖析 to help us understand the differences in how patients respond to treatment.  在澳门葡京赌博游戏的许多临床试验中,澳门葡京赌博游戏通常将ctDNA分析作为次要终点,以监测手术后的最小残留疾病. Non-invasive ctDNA analysis is changing the way in which cancer is detected, 治疗和监测, 提供关于患者选择和耐药性的预测性见解,为精准医疗策略提供信息.

Answering translational questions through innovative trials

The insights derived with transformational technologies, 比如ctDNA分析, 计算病理学 and deep multiomic分析, are revolutionising not only diagnosis and prognosis but also clinical trial design. 利用新颖的见解, we are designing our trials to strategically address translational questions, with the aim to maximise benefit for patients.

例如, 之前通过收集肿瘤样本, 治疗期间和治疗后, we can achieve a better understanding of tumour dynamics. 这包括“机会之窗”研究,侧重于诊断和开始治疗之间的时间,这段时间肿瘤未受到治疗的影响,并为研究定义癌细胞的分子特征提供了机会.

以这种方式, innovative clinical trial design allows us to identify biomarkers, 基因突变, 以及其他因素,为合理的治疗决策提供信息,并有助于不断开发更个性化和更有效的治疗方法.


澳门葡京赌博游戏的学术背景点燃了澳门葡京赌博游戏对破解癌症生物学奥秘的共同热情. 在澳门葡京网赌游戏, 澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于通过与世界一流的同事和更广泛的澳门葡京赌博游戏密切合作来培养这种激情, 学术, 监管机构和临床社区.

转化科学是肿瘤学研究和发展革命的核心, positioned as a catalyst for discovery in the laboratory and the clinic, 并支持下一代诊断和预测性生物标志物的发展. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的进步将取决于澳门葡京赌博游戏重塑对肿瘤生物学理解的能力, reliably predict treatment response and resistance, and find new ways to attack cancer from multiple angles.

Join us as we continue to look for ways to make a difference to patients

澳门葡京赌博游戏欢迎, talented scientists to join us on what promises to be one of the most exciting, stimulating and rewarding journeys in 21st century medicine.

全球肿瘤学领域的领导者, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在发展一个差异化的管道,以解决与重大未满足需求相关的一系列肿瘤类型. 有无限的机会让你扬名立万,大胆冒险,开拓新思路. 不同的经验和方法, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的团队有着追随科学的热情,为全球人民带来改变生活的药物.

澳门葡京赌博游戏招募具有相关专业知识的科学家加入澳门葡京赌博游戏在巴塞罗那最先进的设施, 西班牙和 盖瑟斯堡,美国.



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